Learn Māori Online
Te Whanake Podcast
Tēnā koe. These podcasts contain all the exercises and activities of the four textbooks of Te Whanake. Originally produced as tape-recorded activities to develop learners’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Māori, they have now been converted into a digital format for an online e-learning platform.
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Adapting the taped audio and video exercises and activities for online use on the Internet has numerous benefits for both learners, teachers and institutions involved in teaching Māori language, e.g.
Learners are able to access all the exercises and activities online at minimal or no cost, thus avoiding the expense of purchasing audio- and videotapes or CDs and DVDs.
Provided learners have a microphone connected to their computer, they are able to record their responses and submit them to their teachers for quick feedback. With an Internet connection, they are able to submit their exercises for assessment from anywhere in the world.
Provided teachers have an Internet connection, they are able to mark and give quick feedback to their learners from anywhere in the world.
This development means that language laboratories will no longer be required for teaching and learning Māori. This frees institutions from a major expense, not only for equipment but also space will be freed for other purposes.